Note - Contact


The following contact form is opened in a pop-up window via the Contact menu.

This function must first be enabled through the property kontakt.allowed=1.


In this form, you must enter the reference and the e-mail text.

Note: the address from the user management for the logged in internet user or the e-mail address stored in the property kontakt_email is used as the consignee address.

The Copy to me checkbox is automatically enabled if the property kontakt_kopie is set. This is also taken from the user management area and can be modified or deleted at any time. If no e-mail address is stored for the contact person in the user management area, no copy is sent.


Once you have completed the reference and text fields, you can modify the Copy to me setting and/or my email details if necessary and then [Send] the e-mail.

You will receive a message notifying you that the e-mail has been successfully sent to the server.

If you click [Close], the e-mail will not be sent and the pop-up window will close without being saved.

Admin Configuration