Printout - Table


Clicking [Search] in the Printout - Search page opens the Printout - Table page.


Admin ATTENTION: the number of PRs that can be simultaneously executed depends upon the database limit for ‘IN clauses’. If this is exceeded for a call, an error occurs.

Rights management

Only the PRs with the ‘logged in’ organization unit (OU) describes the organizational context in which the internet user is active. as the executing organization unit (OU) describes the organizational context in which the internet user is active. are displayed.

If the logged in user is not a ‘superuser’, an additional restriction is applied of ‘requesting or implementing user = logged in user’.

Result sorting

The sorting The sorting defines the sort order of the results. of the result does not have to be the same as the sorting The sorting defines the sort order of the results. in the PR table; it solely depends on the sorting The sorting defines the sort order of the results. of the report(s).



  • selected: starts all the printouts that have been selected. The selection occurs by enabling the checkbox.

  • all: starts printing all the printouts found.