Icons used

General icons




Opens the Find and manage addresses page. You will only be displayed the master addresses as a result of the search, not any temporary text addresses.

In the Shipments for agent or Shipments for trip pages, this function opens the Status selection page.

Text address creation

Opens the page for creating temporary text addresses.


Opens a pop-up window to enable you to enter a long text for the consignee and delivery text in the shipment entry dialogue.

In preparation

In tables, this icon indicates a row which has yet to be recorded. If this is still in preparation, this can also not be deleted.

Recorded row

In tables, this icon indicates a row which has been newly recorded. This could also be deleted.

Delete row

In tables, this icon indicates the deletion of a row.

See: Function - Delete row

more rows

The number of rows specified in the configuration are inserted.

See: Function - More rows




Note: the following icons are used for the user menu from LBASE Online Version 4.4.1. For better orientation, these are also used in the help.



Shipments: enter and track shipments


Track shipments


  Shipment status history

  Shipment details



Use templates (note: paid LBASE Online AddOn)

  New from template

  Edit template


Enter new shipment

  Save as template

Templates: logic interpreter (including print modules)











Release shipments


Status in the shipment release in progress page





Status in the shipment release complete page

Shipment release successfully completed

Shipment release failed. Please check and rectify the error.

Edit shipment



Note: the following icons are used for the administration tools from LBASE Online Version 4.4.1 (property: newstyle)




Configurator: LBASE Online configurator

User: manage users

Create new internet user

Master address rights: assignment of master addresses

Session monitor: overview of the users logged in

Statistics:  evaluation of usage behaviour

Designer: design LBO masks (note: paid LBASE Online AddOn)

Help:  open administration help

Logout: exit administration area

For feedback if a transaction was successful

Example: the changes are only saved on performing the action ‘Write configuration’.